Saturday, August 10, 2013

Norwich City Wide Clean Up Day - Saturday, Sept. 7th

The City of Norwich is hosting their Fall clean-up day the first weekend of September. There will be dumpsters and a brush pile for residents of Norwich to haul their stuff off. Please contact Coach Schroeder as the Norwich High School football players will be available for any assistance.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Playing for the Pantry 2013

The Norwich High School football team will hold their annual Red/White scrimmage on August 30, 2013. The cost of admission will be canned food or non-perishable items. These donations will go to the "Norwich Community Bread Basket". This organization is currently being overseen by the Norwich United Methodist Church. They assist families of the city of Norwich that are in need.

If you would like more information or have any questions, please contact Coach Schroeder,

Norwich HS Football Photo Night

We will be having our 2nd Annual Photo Night on Sunday, August 11th and 7pm. Please report to the high school at 6pm to get game gear. We will report to the field at 6:45pm. Any questions? Please contact Coach Schroeder.